- Ascaricidal, anthelmintic, carminative, diuretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, febrifuge.
- Used in diseases of chest and skin.
- Active principles are found to be oestrogenic and weakly progestogenic.
- Root—bechic, antidiarrhoeal.
- Seed—spermicidal, oxytocic, diuretic.
- The plant is also used for its blood purifying properties.
- It is an ingredient in cough syrups, preparations for anaemia, genitourinary tract infections, diarrhoea and diseases of the liver.
Forms Available
- Aqueous Dry Powder Extract,
- Granules,
- Liquid Extract,
- Distillate,
- Raw Herb Powder,
- Medicated Oil (Sesame/Coconut Oil Base),
- Thick Paste.