Remember the tangy taste of lemon?

This tanginess is due to the presence of citric acid. But beyond the tanginess, citric acid has many benefits and we are here to tell you everything you need to know about it.

What is citric acid?
Citric acid is a naturally occurring phytochemical in citric fruits and their juices. In ayurveda, foods like lemon, vinegar, orange, yogurt, etc. are considered as “pitta-aggravating foods” which means that they can aggravate one’s stomach. Therefore, many people consume.

In ayurveda, Earth and Fire are the primary elements of sour foods. These sour foods have a good effect on lungs by promoting healthy flow of bile juice due to its moistening and demulcent effects. Furthermore, we must also know that consuming healthy food – rich in citric acid – helps us combat everyday stress.

What is citric acid?
Citric acid is a naturally occurring phytochemical in citric fruits and their juices. In ayurveda, foods like lemon, vinegar, orange, yogurt, etc. are considered as “pitta-aggravating foods” which means that they can aggravate one’s stomach. Therefore, many people consume.

In ayurveda, Earth and Fire are the primary elements of sour foods. These sour foods have a good effect on lungs by promoting healthy flow of bile juice due to its moistening and demulcent effects. Furthermore, we must also know that consuming healthy food – rich in citric acid – helps us combat everyday stress.

Use of citric acid?
– Preserves the texture of food
– Acts as solvent for cleaning
– Acts as alkalizing agent
– Adds fragrance in beauty products

Benefits of citric acid
1. Anti-inflammatory effects
Citric acid, just like Flavonoids, helps the human body combat oxidative stress. According to a study, citric acid downregulates inflammation by reducing cell degranulation.

2. Alkalizing properties
You’ll be surprised to know that despite its acidic taste, citric acid acts as an alkalizing substance. It helps the body counteract against the harmful effects of consuming excessively acidic foods.

3. Prevents kidney stones
According to a study, “citric acid is protective; the more citric acid in your urine, the more protected you are against forming new kidney stones.”

4. Improves skin health
Citric acid promotes skin peeling and regrowth, and it also protects the skin against photo-aging, oxidative stress and damage caused due to pollution.

The best way to consume citric acid is through fruits, vegetables and supplementary ayurvedic products that we provide for you. Let’s have a look at our in-store, solvent-free, botanical extracts that contain citric acid.

Our ayurvedic products
Botanical Name : Garcinia pedunculata
Extracts standardized up to : Citric Acid 7%
Benefits : Tastelessness, Constipation, Indigestion
Dadam Beej
Botanical Name : Punica granatum
Extracts standardized up to : Citric Acid 3.5%
Benefits : Fever, Burning sensation

Further readings

  1. https://www.banyanbotanicals.com/info/ayurvedic-living/living-ayurveda/diet/six-tastes/sour-taste/
  2. Review in the studies on tannins activity of cancer prevention and anticancer
  3. https://www.uwhealth.org/files/uwhealth/docs/pdf/kidney_citric_acid.pdf

Prevent cancer with Tannins!


If you could choose only one drink for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

Well, we would say you should choose tea without a second thought!

Everyone knows that tea is a delicious and refreshing drink but do you also know it has many health benefits? The health benefits of tea are only due to TANNINS!

Let’s know more about tannins!
Tannins are a group of phytochemical compounds that can be found in tea and other edible ayurvedic products, and are responsible for providing many health benefits. It is classified among polyphenols and has a bitter, astringent taste. It is naturally found in tree bark, leaves, legumes and a variety of other edible/inedible plants.

Do you know?

Black tea has the highest concentration of tannins followed by green tea!

Health benefits of tannins
1. Antioxidant in nature
Similar to flavonoids, the most well-known benefit of tannins is its antioxidative nature which in turn helps our body combat against oxidative stress

2. Anti-inflammatory properties
The antioxidant properties of tannins help the human body fight inflammation by balancing the bacteria in your gut, thereby, turning off the inflammation from the gastrointestinal glands. Does this property remind you of alkaloids? (We talked about it in our previous mailer)

3. Protection against heart diseases
Due to everyday stress, heart diseases are extremely common. Tannins keep the heart tissues healthy by preventing calcium buildup in arteries.

The health benefits of tannins do not end here, they help balance blood sugar levels and also contain cancer-preventing properties. While sipping tea is a good source of tannins, there’s only so much tea that one can consume in a day.

Our herbal extracts provide a much stronger concentration of Tannins in them for immediate medicinal use.

Tannins in ayurvedic products
Amla / Amalaki
Botanical Name : Emblica officinalis
Extracts standardized up to : Tannins 28%
Benefits : Antioxidant, Tonic, Hyperacidity
Baheda / Bibhitaki
Botanical Name : Terminalia bellirica
Extracts standardized up to : Tannins 25%
Benefits : Cough and Cold, Detoxificant
Botanical Name : Acacia nilotica
Extracts standardized up to : Tannins 20%
Benefits : Astringent
Botanical Name : Terminalia arjuna
Extracts standardized up to : Tannins 15%
Benefits : Cardiovascular support, Antiarrhythmic
Botanical Name : Saraca asoca
Extracts standardized up to : Tannins 15%
Benefits : Urinary tonic, Uterine bleeding, Piles
Gular / Udumbara
Botanical Name : Ficus racemosa / Ficus glomerata
Extracts standardized up to : Tannins 12%
Benefits : Diseases of Female, Urinary diseases
Amra / Ambo / Mango
Botanical Name : Mangifera indica
Extracts standardized up to : Tannins 8%
Benefits : Vaginitis, Acute diarrhea, Urinary disorders, Dysentery, Skin diseases

Ayush Kwath
Botanical Name : Combination
Extracts standardized up to : Tannins 3%
Benefits : Immunity boosting

If you’re conscious about your health, then including tannins in your everyday routine will be beneficial for you.

We’ll come back with another group of phytochemicals soon, till then, savor your favorite drink – tea!

Further readings

  1. Determination of tannin content by titrimetric method from different types of tea
  2. Review in the studies on tannins activity of cancer prevention and anticancer

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